Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Hola Todos!!

Well this weekend/week has been somewhat eventful! On Saturday we went to the beach yet again and tanned all day!! All the Canadians that are at the school!! Haha there are only 4 of us.. and 3 of us are from U of L... and of course Hannah, our american friend. It was awesome... so hot and I got pretty tanned... unfortunately Allison fell asleep with her sunglasses on and you can only imagine what happened... its definition HILARIOUS. Later we met up with these Chilean police officers who drove us to the mall and helped me buy minutes for my cell phone because I have not had to buy them by myself before... and then we got Booster Juice... or in Chile... Boost Jugo.... it was awesome. I had to run some errands at the mall so everyone else left me and I had to make it home by myself... of course being me with no sense of direction I left the mall a different way then I usually did and go sooooooo lost... I had NO IDEA where I was or how to get home... and I was all paranoid that people were following me because I was walking the same area for an hour and 15 mins and I was too scared to ask someone for help haha. On a sadder note, they were selling puppies in the park that day too... $5 for a puppy... what they do here which makes me sick is they breed dogs here and people buy them when they are a puppy because they are cute... then once they are full grown or almost full grown they dump them on the street and then the dogs are homeless... and thats why there are so many stray dogs here!! I was scared of them at first but most of them come up to you and just want to be loved... but I can't touch them in case they have rabies or flees or something.. but it breaks my heart everytime! I've made a new friend though... he's the puppy I see every day and he has a little house and I've named him Fernando.. !!

Saturday night I didn't do too much because I have been sooooooo sick and the sun just took so much out of me... but at 5 in the morning I was awoken to Tati and Diego and their friends coming home.. and they were wassssssssted!! Anywho's long story short... I mingled with them and somehow got talked into drinking 3 bottles of wine with them... so I went to bed at 8 in the morning pretty drunk.... and had to be up at 10 for church!! haha. On Sunday we went to the house of Diego & Tati's dad's brother... it was in the country somewhere between Vina and Santiago and it was incredible!! SO HOT and they had a pool and a tennis court!! I ate a traditional Chilean meal and then tanned all afternoon...

Monday came around and I had my sociology class again... I had to drop it because I can't understand the prof... she speaks so fast and she promised me that she would send me notes and she hasn't yet ...because she just sits there and talks and writes nothing down and I can't catch anything!! I'm the only exchange student in that class and no one wants me in their groups... so I felt so rejected.. so I had to drop it. I am now in a Chilean history class (BORING!) but its easy apparently and the prof speaks slow... so if its easy I'm game! haha.

Tomorrow I'm leaving with my friends to La Serena... its a beach town approx. 8 hours north of Vina.. we are taking the bus and staying there for 4 days because this weekend is LA SEMANA SANTA!! I will update soon!! xoxo.

I've attached pictures of the weekend!

1 comment:

Louamonster said...

Looks like you're still having tons of fun! I have a question though.... if "Booster Juice" is "Boost Jugo" in Spanish, does that mean that "Jugo Juice" means "Juice Juice"? Because that would be ridiculous. And it's not nearly as delicious as Booster Juice. Ha ha, I almost used an acronym for Booster Juice. Imagine that sentence with an acronym...

<3 Enjoy your exchange lady!!!