Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Maca and I!!
Me and Roberto!! such a cool guy
Me drinking my new fav drink.. pisco y coca cola
Roberto y I again
Diego (my bro),me, and maca and roberto!!

These are some of the pics from Santiago that I promised in my last blog!! But they wouldn't upload... they are just pics of my new friends before we went to the bar!!!
Yesterday I went to the beach with my new friends and then we went for ice cream at this really cheap but AMAZING ice cream place... not to much is new with me.
I started classes on Monday and they are so scary!! So intimidating... especially the classes meant for chilenos... the exchange student classes are a lot easier because the profs speak very slow and you are able to understand everything. However the school system here is very laid-b ack... usually the profs are like 30 mins late to class or they just dont even show up at all. And classes seem to be cancelled a lot for some unknown reason.. its good but also frustrating because u rush to get to school when its completely unnecessary. My classes are all messed up right now too because I might need to switch some around but they all conflict!!! its so frustrating.
Other than that nothing new though so until next time!!! xoxo

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