Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Week of Classes!


So its Tuesday already and this week is my first week of school... classes haven't started yet it is just the week of orientation for the exchange students. On Monday we had to meet and form into groups with a group leader who is a student at the University... our group is made up of the two girls from my school, another girl who is from Calgary and that I SWEAR I HAVE MET BEFORE! A girl from the states, Minneapolis, a girl from Germany, and a girl from Alaska. It's really cool... but we all speak English so that is all we talk which isn't that good.. but I'm glad that I made some friends already. It is so difficult to understand what the professors and coordinators are saying to us ... most of the information that they give me is going in one ear and out of the other... but slowly I am getting better. We had to take a written test on Monday which yes, was complete bullshit... everyone failed!! I got like 23% and so did the other girls that I am with... so that totally put me off and I thought to myself how am I going to survive here!! But its going to be ok... last night I went with Diego and Tati to their friend Nico's house for home made sushi and for drinks with this alcohol that is only sold in Brazil... it was AMAZING!!!!! That's what people do here all the time... any excuse to drink and get wasted!!! SO we ended up coming home last night at 4 in the morning.. thank god i didn't have school today until 3 in the afternoon! And all we did was walk around the city a bit and take pictures... then I had my oral exam at 5 and the professor asked me questions and made the conclusion that I am intermediate.. which I do not agree with... oh well.
Today was also the first time that I had to take the bus "el micro" by myself... and its nerve racking because I look different then everyone else and people always look at me... and its really sketchy to take the bus because that is where a lot of robbing and purse snatching takes place. I am right now picking my classes and it sucksssssssssssssssss!!!!! I am trying to pick the most easy ones but I don't know anything!! I start my spanish class tomorrow so I'm really nervous for that.... but after, I'm hitting the beach ... to look at the hot latino men ;)

Talk to you soon!!!! xoxo


Natalie said...

Haha "Intermediate which I do not agree with at all". So funny.

Hey, by the way... when you update your facebook status in spanish, me no comprende!

<3 Good luck picking el classinos!

Louamonster said...

Ooh! Sounds like quite the adventure! Good luck on those busses, though I'm not sure how different it is from here, ha ha, just jokes!