Sunday, June 15, 2008

No tengo un titulo para esta carta!

Me, Delphine (from France) and mi mama chilena

The beginning of the party... que bonita!

Diego y yo

Feliz cumpleanos a ti! Cake time. Before...

And after... oh boy.

Me, Paul (From France) and My Mama Chilena!

Me and Paul de nuevo

Delphine (from France) and I... clearly having trouble eating my chicken

Me, Paul, and Diego
Hola Todos!

So this week just flew by! I had classes all week which sucked... they are getting harder and harder to go to! But last Sunday me and Delphine had a movie and wine night... it was fun. Then on Wednesday I went with her, Paul, Fabian (all from France) and 3 other Chileans to Cafe Journal for sushi! Of course, that turned into a night in itself and we all ended up drinking. I didn't get home until 4 in the morning and had class at 11:30. Needless to say, that did not happen. Then I met Hannah's mom on Thursday... she is in Chile visiting Hannah for a week. We went to go get something to eat at a coffee shop but I didn't get to hang out with them long because I had class at 5:20. blahhh.
Thursday night I went out with Allison, Jen, Riina, and her boyfriend for Chorillana... which is french fries, hot dog, chicken, egg, and maybe something else? All mixed together. It sounds SICK but its soooooooooooooooooo good. Its very similar to poutine. Anyways we were suppose to go out after that to El Huevo but we never ended up making it out because we didn't leave the restaurant until 1 and then we were all tired after that. Me and Allison took a micro back to Vina and then found a cab to drive us home... much more safe.
Then Friday came and me and Allison went to Valpo to try and find out information about our student visa's... which ended up turning into a huge adventure because we had to walk then take a collectivo to somewhere where we didn't even know where we were going. Anyways after all of that the office was closed so we have to go back there tomorrow. Then I went on my first ascensor ride! Valparaiso is famous for its ascensors which are like elevators on the hillsides because the hills of Valpo are so steep you just take one of those to the top. And then we explored the cerro for a bit and later went to a market. Then yesterday it was Diego's 21st birthday and that was fun! We had a party and then went to Hollywood and then Scratch.. then McDonalds. We didn't leave the club till 5:30 then I got home at 7. Ahhh such a long night. Today I didn't do much but have a lunch with everyone for his birthday and then I did some homework and just finished watching another movie with Delphine! Tomorrow I'm going to Pablo Neruda's second house in Valparaiso with Hannah, Allison, and Hannah's Mom... I'm so excited!!! Ill post some pictures of last night. bye bye.

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