Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Hola Chicos!!

I AM BACK IN BUSINESS!!! So sorry about not posting for the last few weeks... I have been struck by something fierce while in Chile! So in summary, this is what has been going on in my life during the past few weeks:
The migraine. After my beach party 3 weeks ago I was struck with a severe migraine that lasted for a week... which included me not being able to eat, or get out of bed. I was restricted to my bed for days and I didn't leave my apartment for about 5-6 days. It was HORRIBLE. Plus I had a fever. Finally the following Saturday I woke up without a headache and was so happy. Sunday came along and mysteriously I opened my mouth and I saw white pus in the back of my throat. So I was freaking out because I have never seen that before!!!! I decided to go to the doctor on the Monday. By Monday morning my throat was so much worse... there was MORE pus and my tonsils had swelled. I randomly stumbled upon a Canadian doctor (THANK GOD!) that way I could tell him everything in english. He prescribed that I get 3 shots of penicillin to kill the infection. That was fun trying to get a nurse to do the injections... I ended up going to the University of my Chilean sister and the nurse there did it. I couldn't go to school all week last week because of my throat and plus I was horsing around trying to get these injections done. By Thursday my throat had gotten significantly worse when it should have gotten significantly better because of the shots. I went BACK to the Canadian doctor on the Friday and explained my situation and he couldn't believe it. He then said I had to go to a surgeon to get incisions in my tonsils. I went to the surgeon but after waiting for 2 hours I asked if they were going to call my name and they said "no". So I left. We then went to a doctor in Valparaiso but he was not in his office and his secretary had no idea where he was. GREAT! THEN... my Chilean Dad took me to a hospital... called Hospital Aleman... where I THEN had to endure 4 bags of penicillin through an IV for a few hours to try and fight the infection and clean out my system of the bacteria. This past weekend I was also instructed to stay in bed... which I did.. but I also put up a fight because I felt FINE minus my throat... but anyways I stayed in bed and then on Monday morning my throat was significantly better! I am happy to report that the pus is gone and the swelling has decreased almost 100%. I am on pretty strong antibiotics right now... for approximately another week.. Yesterday I had to go to the hospital again for the doctor to look at it and he said it is much better and prescribed me more antibiotics for this week. I have to return to the hospital next Monday for him to look at it one more time to make sure that its all gone and it wont come back!! Today was the first time that I have been to classes in 3 weeks! So it was really good to be back... um not much else new though! No new pics, unfortunately! Until next time ;)


Natalie said...

Wow that sounds nasty. Do they have any idea what it was? Sounds like their medical system is even more disorganized than ours. Wow!

Glad you're feeling better!


Louamonster said...

Ugh, that sounds brutal! I'm glad you're doing better now!!!

-ashley* said...

thanks chicas!! me too!! i was starting to hate Chile.. and well, thats just unacceptable. But I'm back in the game now!! :)