Tuesday, April 29, 2008


This is me when I was at my worst with my migraine... unable to move

Today in the Gimbert building where I was refused entry. Look at the tables and chairs!

Police vehicle/army thing with the police and shields because people are throwing things at the officers!

The police spraying the students that are protesting with water

The students protesting down the street... hundreds!!


So a lot has happened since I last updated! My school is STILL on strike (called a paro in spanish) we are on our 3rd week and its serious. It's not like an ordinary strike.. and the students are striking not the employees or professors... which is stupid because the students pay to go to school! But apparently they feel like their demands are not being met. And the big thing is that the micro (bus) drivers are wanting to take away the student pass which means that everyone will have to pay $450 pesos each way to school... and right now with the student pass you only have to pay $150 which is like $0.30 to us. But many students don't have that kind of money so that is the main reason. Therefore... their is a lot of violence right now... today for example I was walking in Casa Central (a building) and all of these students came running into the main area and sprayed tear gas everywhere and so I got it in my eyes and it was horrible and it lingered for hours. And then they always spray water out of water canons... and they chant and protest and there is violence everywhere... they throw things at the micros and break the glass which is scary if you are on the micro! And they have weapons and its just a bad scene... so I have to be very careful where I go and my professors always tell me to be especially careful cause I'm an "extranjero". Today I was supposed to have an exam for my Recursos Humanos II class but I went to the building and the students took over the building in what is called a "toma" and they barricaded it not letting the professors or any employees into the building. They barricaded it with tables and chairs... I will post pictures. I went and told them I had to get into the building because I had a test and they simply told me that I was not able to enter and that I needed to turn around and leave... in that case I just said "ok chau" haha. But everyday there are protests and huge tanks and police with shields all over the place because the students have been throwing things and taunting the police and I have seen a couple of students get arrested and beaten with a baton by the police... it sounds worse than what it really was but at the still time I was like holy shit! Other than that not much else is new... I have been studying for a brutal exam that I was suppose to have today... and screwing around a lot because of the class situation, I feel like I am not even in school! I went out this weekend with some Chilean friends it was really fun! We went to some pubs and then I went out for tea and a couple of dinners. Nothing too exciting. But I am going to Mendoza, Argentina tomorrow!!! I'm pretty excited. I will post some new pictures... FINALLY! Enjoy!!

Love Ashley.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Wow that sounds scary! Did no one show up for the test? And tear gas?! I thought that hurt a ton!