Friday, February 29, 2008

Ashley Is Burnt

So today I went downtown with Delphine to exchange my money and then we went to the grocery store! It was very different, there are so many people there you cannot even move. Downtown is very different from our downtown... it is very lively and there are food markets EVERYWHERE!!!!

After shopping around a bit I came back home and had lunch and then me and my familia went to the pool which is right on the ocean! And I got burnt... BAD. Like real bad. Its so crazy that I was tanning at the end of February! Tonight I am going to a party with Tatiana... its a surprise birthday party. I'm really scared to go because I can't understand but we shall see!!! BYE xoxo


Louamonster said...

OH my goodness that looks awful!!!!! I am very jealous of your last post but so not jealous of this one! I got a monster burn like that when I was in Mexico when I was 16 and it was one of those that gives you a fever and stuff cause it was just a real bad burn!!! Annnnyways, I really hope it heals really quickly! In any case, I can't wait to see pictures, and don't forget the sunscreen! <3

Natalie said...

Hey Ashlalia; hope you are having great fun! Just think of the advantage you will have over me when we go to the lake in the summer! You will be tanned to perfection, and I will scare children with the pastiness of my skin!

PS- straigh aloe vera is a life saver for those types of burns if you can find any! Slather it on and lay on the sofa and cry. That's what did last time I had a burn that bad, anyway.

Update soon!