Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Back from Buenos Aires & Iguazu Falls!!

my travelling buddies!

writing in the guestbook on the historical city tour

Marina and I after our flight on the friday

yay about to enter iguazu!

the scary freaky animals in the jungle

me almost underneath the waterfall!

some of the falls!

the falls approaching nighttime

The casa rosada... where ALL the decisions regarding the country are made and where the presidenta works

Protests outside the casa rosada en la plaza de mayo

Me in buenos aires at night!

Outside the congress building

the GIGANTIC city-wide protest... the entire city shut down and was trashed for the day
The famous cemetery in Buenos Aires! All were above ground with lots of artifacts in each little house.

In the church that is close to the cemetery with skulls of dead saints

the church again
me in buenos!
Hello!! I am back from Argentina. I went there last Friday and got back on Saturday. It was amazing!! Absolutely. On Friday we got to Argentina and then were trying to find a hostel to stay at which took time, then when we finally did we went to go get something to eat then went for drinks. The entire week consisted of walking around Buenos Aires and drinking tonnes and tonnes of wine! I went on a history tour of the various buildings and historical features of the city, then I went for a tango lesson, dinner and a tango show, saw a gigantic protest outside of the congress building, and then we went to a few clubs and we took a 20 hour bus ride each direction to Iguazu Falls which is in the north of Argentina at the border of brazil and argentina, and the falls also go into paraguay. However, I'm not allowed in any of those countries without a visa so we stayed in Argentina. We went there for one day to go visit the national park and see the falls.. they were INCREDIBLE. Iguazu falls has the widest waterfalls in the world, and I can believe it! Its in the jungle, so we saw pelicans and various different animals, a lot that looked like half pigs/half raccoons. But unfortunately we didn't see monkeys but I heard them!!!! It was so cool! Then only 4 days or so during the month they offer a moonlight walk expedition that is only offered during the days that the moon is full, so LUCKILY we arrived just in time for that which was a complete fluke but so, so cool!! They took us to the "throat of the devil" its called, which is where all of the falls converge into one and I have never seen anything like it! It was so cool. I couldn't take a picture because it was so dark but the reflection of the moon on the falls was incredible... it looked like a dream! And then our plane got delayed for 4 hours on the way back which sucked but finally I made it back home at 11 on Saturday night!! I'll post some pictures of my trip! Enjoy!

Love Ashley.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Just pics

Hello! Sorry for the long time of not writing... I have been really busy with school, and other stuff that I just can't seem to remember. It was Delphine's 23rd birthday last weekend! She is the exchange student from France, and as per usual we had a party in the room below and then we went to Scratch for a bit, but she didn't want to go she just kept dancing in the room with her friends, and then by the time the rest of us got back from Scratch she was still in the room... so we continued to fiesta! These are some pictures from the party.

Also, I finished 3 courses last week... it was sad to say bye but at the same time very, very relieving. I now have 2 more left... the most important ones. I am right now studying for my test tomorrow morning which is oral.. about history! AY! I need luck! There are also just some random pictures of sushi eating and what not... ENJOY! I'll write soon.

Love Ashley.